Monday, 25 August 2014

How to change a tire

Open boot and remove wheel brace and jack, start to loosen the wheel nuts while the car is still on the ground. Then start to jack up the car from the recommended jacking points once the wheel has lifted off the ground continue to remove the wheel nuts until they are all off. When all the wheel nuts are off take off the flat tire then grab the spare from the boot and put on the wheel. Start putting the wheel nuts back on one at a time alternating side to side so the wheel is on straight once all wheel nuts are on firm them up. lower the jack down and put back in the boot, then with the wheel brace tighten up all the wheel nuts when this is done return everything back to the car and try to get the flat tire repaired as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful. Next time I'd suggest writing in dot points. This is the easiest and most user-friendly way of writing instructions.

    Then maybe you can embed the instructions in a longer text, say an anecdote about a time you or someone else got a puncture and were left stranded. Then you could finish with a reminder to always carry a spare tire and know how to change one.
